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"Bringing the Liturgy
into your Home......."

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Now Playing is:

The Resurrectional Evlogitaria and From My Youth

-- What Earthly Joy CD --

Downloads available!

Just follow the Download links below!

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Baptist and Forerunner

Baptist and Forerunner CD Cover The Divine Liturgy CD of the Synaxis of
St. John the Baptist

A Festal Celebration of the Hand by which our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ was Baptized

(Click on the CD cover for MUSIC samples)

.....or Choose to DOWNLOAD either the whole Album or individual Songs.

''A most reverent and joyful experience.''

Serving Clergy:

Archpriest Thaddaeus Hardenbrook

Fr. Dcn. Nathaniel Johnson

Sung in English by an All Male Chorus:

The Chanters of St. Lawrence

This Liturgy was chosen because it has festal overtones, yet embodies the sound of a more intimate setting such as you might expect at a midweek Divine Liturgy.

Although recorded in a studio, attention was given to details so as to create the feel of being present in the Liturgy.

What Earthly Joy

What Earthly Joy CD Cover A collection of special melodies from Lent, Pascha, Sunday Matins and the Dormition; utilizing a variety of Orthodox Chant forms, from Byzantine to Znamenny - Bulgarian to Valaam

(Click on the CD cover for MUSIC samples)

.....or Choose to DOWNLOAD either the whole Album or individual Songs.

''Choral Music at its Finest.''

Sung by an ensemble of male chanters from
St. Lawrence Orthodox Church in Felton, CA

Listen for us on Ancient Faith Radio !

Now you can order direct and pay with PayPal; even if you don't have a PayPal account.

Don't forget to sign our GUESTBOOK.
We would love to hear from you !

Here are some QUOTES from a few of our customers

Dear Rdr. John,

"I would like to congratulate and thank you for your beautifully done job of 'What Earthly Joy.'
I look forward to your next venture. I have a small library of Orthodox music and get much inspiration from it; especially as I cannot attend services as often as I like. Much of the English music out there is of varying quality and not all of it to be recommended.
I heartily recommend your CD; it is well done, understandable and prayerful. Asking your Prayers and Wishing you a Good Lent!

A. Lizotte

"I've listened to the CD several times. The singing is sublime, and I particularly appreciate the clarity of diction....... I hope God continues to bless your work !"

B. Bovino--Choir Director
Valley Forge, PA

"Yes, we received the wonderful CD's and in good is a blessing having the opportunity to share your music with others."

J. Zukiewicz--Bookstore Mgr.
Las Vegas, NV

''I received 'What Earthly Joy' and have been listening to it all afternoon. For the glory of God you have produced a wonderfully prayerful and spiritually uplifting CD.
As a director I can appreciate the time and effort that must have gone into the making of such a marvelous CD. You and your singers are to be commended for singing those praises which are well-pleasing to God and to the Most Holy Theotokos.''

''I will be ordering the other CD shortly.''

''Through the prayers of St. Romanos the Melodist, I remain yours in Christ and Holy Orthodoxy.''

Rdr. D. Brzuchalski--Reader/Choir Director
All Saints -Olyphant, PA

"Your CD is very good, and will be a very good addition to our wholesale listing...... Most recordings that include a wide range of music forms either fail because of the range, or end up not doing justice to all the forms they attempt to convey. This CD [conveys them] in a way that is both pleasing to listen to and well executed. This recording will be listened to frequently and with much pleasure."

B. Williams

“I received the CDs on Thursday which was very fast service. What beautiful chanting! I really hope you will produce more such CDs, as it is difficult to find Orthodox chanting in English. I will listen to these CDs often and will soon be ordering more to share with other Orthodox people I know. Thank you for your good work.”

M. Grabhorn
Great Bend, KS

"I pray there are more releases coming soon !"

A. Kalivas--Bookstore Owner
Glendale, CA

''May you see the good things of Jerusalem all the days of your life...'' (Ps. 127:5) And, may we see God's glorious form in all mankind !




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HEARKEN AUDIO is a privately owned business involved in the production of Orthodox Liturgical Music CDs sung in English; in an attempt to promote the Orthodox Faith in America.

We would like to encourage you to contact us
if you are interested in making a liturgical recording of your own.
We would be happy to share our experiences with you.

Harken Audio