Baptist and Forerunner
O Holy St. John the Baptist and Forerunner of Christ, never cease to intercede for us !
Below are some SAMPLES from
the Divine Liturgy CD of the Synaxis of
St. John the Baptist (Jan. 7)
Full List of Songs
1. Great Doxology
Byzantine--Tone Six
2. Troparion - Synaxis
Byzantine--Tone Two
3. Troparion- Theophany
Byzantine--Tone One
4. Great Litany
Byzantine Melody
5. First Antiphon (Festal)
Znamenny Chant
6. Little Litany
7. Second Antiphon (Festal)
Znamenny Chant
8. Only Begotten Son
Greek Melody
9. Little Litany
10. Third Antiphon
Theophany Troparion with Psalm Verses
11. Come Let Us Worship
Byzantine--Tone Two
12. Troparion - Theophany
Byzantine--Tone One
13. Troparion - Synaxis
Byzantine--Tone Two
14. Kontakion - Synaxis
Byzantine--Tone Six
15. Kontakion - Theophany
Melody: "Today the Virgin..."
16. As Many as Have Been Baptized
Byzantine--Tone One
17. Prokeimenon: "The Righteous..."
Znamenny Chant--Tone Seven
18. The Epistle (ACTS 19:1-8)
19. Alleluia
Znamenny Chant--Tone Five
20. The Holy Gospel (John 1:29-34)
21. The Cherubic Hymn
Themes from Byzantine Tones One and
22. The Anaphora
Znamenny Chant
23. Theotokion (Festal)
Canon Tone Two
24. One is Holy
Serbian Melody
25. Communion Hymn - Theophany
Byzantine--Tone One
26. Communion Hymn - Synaxis
Choral Arrangement
27. Festal Troparion
Byzantine--Tone One
28. Let Our Mouths Be Filled With Your Praise
Tone Five
29. Ambon Prayers / Blessed Be the Name (Choral Arrangement) / Dismissal
30. Magnification - Theophany
31. Sessional Hymn following the Magnification
Melody: "Lifted up..."